Integrated Social Science – Class 1
Amazing Science – Class 2
Drag and Drop – Class 4
Sanskrit Vrandam – Class 6
World Around Me – Class 7
English Marigold – Class 5
EVS (Looking Around) – Class 5
Majestic Mathematics – Class 3
Tic-Tac-Toe Series
This series is a comprehensive pre-school education programme designed for classes - Nursery, Jr. KG and Sr. KG.
Kick Start Series
प्रस्तुत पुस्तक शृंखला नवीन शिक्षा प्रणाली की रूपरेखा के आलोक में नवीन पाठ्यक्रम पर आधरित है। इस पुस्तकमाला में पठन-पाठन की प्रक्रिया ...

Lab Manual
Manak Lab Manuals have been designed to help students in understanding the facts by applying hands and working...
Interact In English
Interact in English is a new series to break the traditional barriers of teaching the English language by stereotype ways. The language and method of teaching is student as well as teacher-friendly. Once the reader starts reading, things start falling in place on their own.
Grammars and Vyakaran
These books have been written as per the CBSE guidlines. The books are an attempt to make the study of English grammar and composition interesting with well-planned examples and exercises.

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Hitaishi Publishers (Pvt.) Limited is a leading publishing company of academic/scholastic books in various streams guided by its motto-publishing to make a difference. It is based in New Delhi and enjoys more than two decades of steady growth. It has built a strong reputation for its publications on all fronts. We believe in creating books that are Indian in essence and global in appeal. We wish to disseminate knowledge and create a bridge between the source and the sink of intelligence, taking seekers along an untrodden path. We welcome you to be a part of this process.
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